
Group list management

The grouping function is to label the device for easy classification management. Grouping is a many-to-many relationship with a device, and users can create groupings based on their needs.

Background information

This document describes the functionality and use of grouped list pages.

View the Groupservice page

  1. Sign in to the IoT Management Platform console. 2. The left navigation bar selects Universal Product Management - selecting products that thieves need to manage, click on the view on the right side of them to group the list and go to the list page, as shown:Group list pages

Create a group

  1. Click on the new grouping on the page. 2. Enter the group name and description content, the group name only supports The English and English, numbers, and underscores, and the length is not less than 4, not more than 30. As shown:Create a group

Add devices to grouping

  1. Click the Add Device button on the right side of the group that you want to add.
  2. Select the relevant device in the list of pop-up devices, you can select multiple.1552528892920

  3. Click OK to add.

Remove groups

  1. In the grouping list, select the group to delete, you can select multiple.
  2. Click the delete button above.
  3. Point confirmation can be deleted. (The deletion here only removes the grouping relationship between the grouping itself and related devices, and does not delete the device.1552529064382

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